For Immediate Release

by Chad Kister

Inexperienced Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s blatant anti-environmental, anti-fact stances on drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and denial of the impacts of climate change on polar bears and the Arctic Sea ice prove her inability to lead our country.  I implore Americans to get beyond racism and vote Barack Obama the next President of the United States .

Politicians, the media and the general public fail to see the severity of the threat that climate change poses.  We need candidates like Obama and Joe Biden who have a solid track record of voting for renewables over the interests of the fossil fuel lobby.  That is our only hope, in the country with the largest greenhouse gas emissions per capital in the world, of some real change that can save both our country and our planet from massive, permanent destruction.

A constant barrage of hurricanes; far in excess of what would be expected – is the very kinds of effects that is expected from climate change.  Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said he has never seen a time when the Federal Emergency Management Agency was stretched so tight with so many climate change disasters.

While scientists warn that the Arctic pack ice has retreated to historic lows, and is expected to continue to retreat, with an ice-free Arctic Ocean now predicted as early as 2012, Sarah Palin refuses to acknowledge this, saying that the pack ice will recover.  This is the exact opposite of what scientists are saying, and is a political answer to try to avoid giving protection to the polar bear.

Palin’s opposition to listing the polar bear as threatened, despite the clear scientific basis behind it that even the Bush Administration had to go along with, shows how out of touch she is with reality, and why voting Republican is voting for the mass murder of future generations through climate change.

Chad Kister

Athens , Ohio

Kister is the Author of Arctic Quest: Odyssey Through a Threatened Wilderness Area; Arctic Melting: How Climate Change is Destroying One of the World’s Largest Wilderness Areas and Against All Odds: The Struggle to Save The Ridges.  He is also the producer of the 2006 film, Caribou People.  The second edition of Arctic Melting is coming out soon, with 100+ more pages and thoroughly updated throughout.; 740-707-4110; 740-777-4056; 740-753-3888