
Mostly in the words of the native Gwich'in
and Inupiat peoples, Caribou People shows the need to protect the Arctic
Refuge to preserve the northernmost cultures in the world.
Competitor threatens author, hostel owner Chad Kister (from caller ID 740-415-6350 from a call made to Kister 9:25 a.m. May 3, 2014)
Three-way call
to 740-753-3000 during Google telemarketing call reveals perpetrator
claiming to be Chad Kister and claiming to owning the Bessemer Hostel
Tim Sheals Threatens Chad Kister
Chad Kister receives death threat from
Microsoft (phone number 1-866-529-9245)
Monitronics letter
with Chad Kister's passcode left in Kister's mailbox July 6, the one day in
weeks Kister was scheduled to be gone for a court appointment. Kister
did NOT request the passcode to be sent.
Alarm report documents numerous
break-ins by local terrorist police
Alarm Report shows NSA hacking (Note
May 3, 10:48 a.m. activity). Someone smashed Kister's alarm system,
sheriff deputies came out and pointed guns at Chad Kister, after they had
identified Kister as the owner of the property, and the owner of the alarm
system! (July 22, 2012)
Call the NSA at 301-688-6911 (The Nazi Spying Atrocity) and demand
that they give records about Chad Kister's health to Chad Kister, and allow
him to receive his emails and phone calls
Call 740-753-3000 or 740-707-4110 (Chad Kister's phone
numbers) and record the calls! Sadist
and scum one with the devils are intercepting Kister's calls. Then get those
recordings to the media. If the phone calls do not get through, file a
complaint with your phone provider and the FCC (all phone numbers are fully
paid up, and the phone companies claim they are working properly).
Chad Kister opposes all new coal mines.
Monitronics Leaves
Password in Customers Mailbox! (July 11, 2012)
Athens County Judge Douglas Bennett
dismisses charges against Chad Kister
Some of Chad Kister's court filings
(written and filed by Kister, pro-se)
video of the William Black Break-In
Kister releases another video clip of the break-in
Arctic Melting
Second Edition Released on Kindle (September 14, 2011)
Chad Kister's vision improves from 20-40 to 20-20
Kister Catches Robbery on video,
but Athens County Prosecutor Keller Blackburn refuses to prosecute
Chad Kister appeals the NSA's refusal to provide records about his own
health. NSA Appeal Press
Release (June 16, 2011)
National Security Agency (The Nazi Spying Atrocity) admits putting
brain implant in Kister (or they would not refuse to answer) April 18, 2011
page 1 page
2 page 3
releases some of his glaucoma records
Kister succeeds in implementing wellhead protection plan in Nelsonville:
new records released showing how it was done
showing brain implant in Chad Kister done against his will:
in x-ray photo #1
in x-ray photo #2
in x-ray photo #3
in x-ray photo #4
in x-ray photo #5
60 Pages of Ohio Valley Coal Company
Owner Robert Murray's testimony during the State of Ohio vs. Robert Murray
trial after Murray assaulted Chad Kister
Scores of court
documents from Kister's $60,000 lawsuit against the DC Metropolitan Police
for their breaking three of his ribs
Athens FBI Refuses to do their Duty
(audio clip)
Against Chad Kister
People Released in high resolution for free!
This is a 1.6 gigabyte video file: it takes a LONG time to download. A
lower quality version is located at the link at the top left of this page.
Please report
download problems to:
Press Release: Weatherization Program
Causes Gas Leak in Authors House and Refuses to Fix It (July 9, 2010)
Someone Claiming to be Kister's Aunt
intercepts phone call from Upper Arlington Police Lieutenant Ernie Ankrom
(Audio Clip, June 23, 2010)
Kister Receives Masters of Science Degree from Ohio University
this link to read his paper on attacks against environmentalists, including
Kister) (June 3, 2010)
Press Release: Author
Locked up for 23 days for Writing Press Release (the one two links below)
(June 2, 2010)
Audio Clip: Columbia Gas Lies About Gas
Leak in Chad Kister's House
Press Release: Author begins hunger strike
against brain implant done against his will
Press Release: Hundreds of Coal Miners
Applaud Assault of Author Chad Kister (April 2, 2010)
Letter to the Editor: Patriot Act Creates
a Secret, Clandestine, Gestapo Police State (February 24, 2009)
Image showing the brain implant
circled in red
Civil Liberties Broadcast (January 9, 2010):
1 Part 2
Terrorism documented in Ohio
Comparison of x-rays of a normal brain and
the microchipped brain
Video of Police beating
demonstrators in Washington DC (where they broke three of Kister's ribs and
nearly killed him) posted December 5, 2009
Tongass National Forest Flint Michigan
Letter to the editor: Overall, cap and
trade will reduce health care costs far in excess of its expense.
Thought Police are Real in 2009: Brain implants placed in two
Ohioans against their will according to documented reports.
Implant links: this technology is real but the abusers of it are
relying on our ignorance: calling all civil liberties activists to look into
the new abuses caused by nanotechnology and neural implants.
Audio interview
with Al Smith about a woman he found with a brain implant both through
the radio frequencies and by looking at her x-rays in Columbus, Ohio.
Interview with Braingate Chairman and Brain Scientist Jeff Stibel
about Brain Implants. Part
1; Part 2
Letter to the Editor about
Climate Change: Please don't tune out the most important issue of our time.
Press Release: Athens Ohio to join 172
countries and 4,457 climate actions around the world.
Take a journey
through the Tongass National Forest by Greenpeace boat and helicopter.
See this 9 minutes video.
Kister is interviewed on KOA Radio By Rick Barber About Brain
Video and photos
of police repression at the G-20 Demonstrations: Don't miss the shocking
Press Release: The Thought Police are
Real in 2009
Author Announces $60,000 Settlement
from DC Police: Puts Pittsburgh Police on Notice
Get to Pittsburgh to protest the
Greenpeace activists block giant tar sands mining operation -
(sporadic) Live Streaming NOW
stoptarsands and
– activists drop 70′ banner off of NIAGARA FALLS to tell
Canadian PM: NO TAR SANDS oil!
Airing in
35 states and half of Canada, Radio
Host Scott Sloan featured Kister on 700 AM at 11 a.m. September 14, with more evidence proving that two Ohioans have been implanted with
thought-reading devices against their will
Host Scott Sloan featured Kister on 700 AM at 11 p.m. September 11 exposing two victims of
brain implants done against their will
Coal Mine Proponent Pleads
Guilty to Threatening Author, Coal Critic
featured on blogtalk radio: exposing his finding of two people with
brain implants in Ohio, including an interview with Braingate Chairman Jeff
Tongass-Climate Change Fall Speaking
Tour is filling up fast: now is the time to schedule a stop in your home
Two FBI Agents caught spying on teenage
girls in West Virginia.
The violation shows the need for more oversight of law enforcement,
particularly with new technologies that are shrinking the size of
surveillance equipment. We also need to repeal the so-called Patriot
Act. Letter to the editor (publications are free
to use this without prior permission). June 17, 2009.
Change Web Broadcast #3: May 31, 2009
Action to support the EPA proposed regulation of greenhouse gas
Letter to the editor: The Climate Crisis
Trumps All Concerns. The Stimulus Bill is a good start, with
renewable energy funding. But funding for highways, like the one
destroying the national forest in my backyard, does the opposite.
(February 24, 2009)
Letter to the editor about Bush's $17.4
billion auto industry bailout, asking what happened to the efficient cars
our last billions of taxpayer dollars paid for?
(December 19, 2008)
Letter to the big three
automaker executives reminding them of the Partnership for a New Generation
of Vehicles that made 80+ mile per gallon cars in 2000, that they failed to
put into production. Why should we bail them out now?
With Ted Stevens' conviction,
drilling supporters should reconsider
Letter to the editor: Republicans
hypocritical to be talking election fraud
Palin is an
anti-environmentalist unqualified for vice president (September 5, 2008)
Proposed "Clean Coal" plants must
be stopped (August 27, 2008)
Stevens Indictment Indicative of Big Oil's
Undue Influence (July 30, 2008)
Bush Spews Lies to Destroy Arctic Refuge
(July 14, 2008)
Sign a petition
to support the ACLU lawsuit to overturn the unconstitutional
expansion of wiretapping laws and the telecom immunity for civil liberties
Retroactive immunity backers working for
9-11 terrorist victory (July 1, 2008)
Video of
Chicago Polar Bear Survival Tour presentation (June 29, 2008) (852
megabytes, requires high-speed connection)
action to overturn federal ban on electric cars (June 29, 2008)
Columbus Airport Police Illegally Seize Kister's videotape (June 24, 2008)
police attack native walkers (mp3 download, June 8, 2008)
terrorists work to derail Safe Climate Act (June 3, 2008)
powered high speed rail: Let's build it now (May 27, 2008)
Take Action online to support
the Safe Climate Act (May 22, 2008)
Skybus bankruptcy
shows high speed rail is the way to go (April 9, 2008) by Chad Kister
of ABC Cameraman being attacked by Massey Energy head (contains
advertisements by ABC News) (April 10, 2008)
Phone: (740)
4592 Bessemer Rd.; Nelsonville, OH 45764